Ezio Lattanzio, former president of Confindustria Assoconsult and Chairman FEACO, was elected president of Confindustria Intellect, which brings together Assirm, Assocom, Unicom, Assorel, Assoconsult and Fedoweb

Confindustria Intellect is a federation representing about 1,000 companies, with a turnover of around 4 billion euros and about 25,000 employees

Unanimous vote for Ezio Lattanzio

'This presidency is a great honor for me. We will work to enhance synergies among the major Italian advanced services associations and to improve dialogue with institutions. KIBS (Knowledge Intensive Business Services) are a multiplier of growth for every Country System,' commented the newly appointed president.
The presidency committee now results to be composed of Ezio Lattanzio, Beppe Facchetti, Donatella Consolandi, Elserino Piol, Marco Testa, Umberto Ripamonti, and past president Diego Masi.

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